For complimentary access to this article and our entire blog archive, register using the button below. We will also keep you up-to-date on new content and courses. The Difference Between Tasks and Management One of the major problems with managing spare parts inventory is that many people consider
Understanding the Spare Parts Inventory Management Life Cycle
The spare parts inventory management life cycle is complex. It is also long. Does success require the input of an ‘invisible hand’? For access to this post, and all of our content, join using the button below. If you are already registered then you need to log-in.
Two Minute Tutorial: The Real Value From Reviewing Your Spare Parts Inventory
When companies create their spare parts inventory they use downtime reduction as a justification but when they review their inventory they don’t. They only include the cost of the inventory. In this Two-Minute Tutorial Philip Slater challenges this logic. — The content below this line is only visible to logged-in
Two Reasons That Improved Maintenance Won’t Solve Your MRO Spare Parts Problems
(And What You Can Do About It) The Best Way to Reduce MRO Spare Parts Holdings? Is it true that MRO spare parts held as inventory for maintenance use are primarily captive to the sophistication and execution of the maintenance system that they support? Is maintenance and reliability execution
3 Ways That The Wrong Spare Parts Management Plan Can Really Cost You
[grwebform url=”″ css=”on” center=”off” center_margin=”200″/] Ready, Fire, Aim is Not a Spare Parts Management Plan There is a school of thought in business and operations management that action is all that really matters. Some express this as ‘ready, fire, aim’. Essentially this view says that it doesn’t matter about the plan, just start taking action
RMC Appoints as Approved Training Partner
The Reliability and Maintainability Center (RMC) at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville has appointed as an approved training partner for its Reliability & Maintainability Implementation Certification (RMIC) program. This recognition by the University of Tennessee means that anyone who completes the Spare Parts Management Certificate at, and registers
The #1 Problem with Spare Parts Inventory Management
Engineering spare parts inventory management is a big topic and managing a spare parts inventory involves engaging with lots of participants from different parts of the business. This means that there is plenty of opportunity for things to go wrong. And that may be one of the complications that makes
3 Questions to Ask About Spare Parts Standardization
Whether or not to standardize equipment and spare parts is one of the enduring debates of engineering, maintenance and spare parts management. On the one hand, standardization is said to lead to improved operating and manpower efficiency, as well as reduced inventories; on the other hand, not standardizing is said
Why (Most) Inventory Goal Setting Fails
Subject Area: Inventory Goal Setting The Problem with Inventory Goal Setting As I write this it is early January and my inbox is awash with advice on goal setting. There are articles, podcasts and webinars all aiming to tell me how to set attainable goals for the year. Unfortunately,
The Spare Parts Data That You MUST Check
There Are Many Types of Spare Parts Data In the world of spare parts inventory management there is plenty written and said about spare parts data. The spare parts data that is your parts usage history. The spare parts data that is your parts description. The spare parts data