For access to this post, and all of our content, join using the button below. If you are already registered then you need to log-in. Adding an item to spare parts inventory is sometimes seen as way of spreading the cost of the item so that the
Inventory Myth #4: Inventory Software Will Solve the Problem
For access to this post, and all of our content, join using the button below. If you are already registered then you need to log-in. Almost everybody realizes that inventory software alone does not provide a solution to problems. Yet many companies, when faced with an inventory
Inventory Myth #3: Consignment Stock Must Cost More
For access to this post, and all of our content, join using the button below. If you are already registered then you need to log-in. This myth probably adds more to the investment in inventory than any other. The opportunities for consignment stock are many and are
Inventory Myth #2 – Inventory Risk Must be Re-evaluated to Reduce Inventory
For access to this post, and all of our content, join using the button below. If you are already registered then you need to log-in. Reducing holding quantities in inventory is often seen as requiring a corresponding increase with inventory risk. This might be the risk of extended
Inventory Myth #1 – An Economic Order Quantity Saves Money
For access to this post, and all of our content, join using the button below. If you are already registered then you need to log-in. In inventory management items often get ordered in an ‘economic’ order quantity so that the cost per item is at a minimum.
5 Myths of Inventory Reduction
Spare parts inventory reduction has been a major focus of supply chain improvement initiatives for many years and success requires the application of both inventory fundamentals and good practice process. However, it is the encouragement of appropriate spare parts management behaviors that delivers truly sustainable results. And it is in
A Spare Parts Inventory Optimization Trap
For complimentary access to this article and our entire blog archive, register using the button below. We will also keep you up-to-date on new content and courses. If you are already registered then you need to log-in. Recently I had an interesting experience with a client that I