Subject Area: Spare Parts Training Time
Selecting the Best Spare Parts Management Training for You
Criterion #4: Time
Traditionally conferences and training are set up for the convenience of the organizer and presenter.
They are not centered on the learner.
Just think about that for a minute.
A speaker at a conference might be on stage for as little as 40 minutes. If you don’t absorb the key messages in that time, then you miss out.
There is no replay and the slides provided by the organizer are usually of little real ongoing value.
Even with a multi-day workshop, you have the same short, hard deadline.
This isn’t a process designed to help you learn, it about their convenience.
When you get back to work and want to apply what you did learn there is no way to refresh your understanding.
No way to revisit the speaker and ask questions. No way to clarify your understanding.
Learning is not a linear process.
It involves the learner recognizing what they do and do not understand and focussing their attention accordingly.
Once something is understood at one level the learner may then go on to gain a deeper understanding.
This is rarely possible with the type of direct instruction and time limitations that are part of conferences and in-person events.
In these situations, the teacher decides what will be taught and the pace at which it is taught.
A better way is for the learner to have control over what they learn and the pace at which they learn it.
This is only possible when you have the flexibility to access the content in an order that interests you (as opposed to a fixed curriculum) and the time to review and revisit that content at a pace that suits you.
This is what we provide at SparePartsKnowHow – spare parts training time.
By giving our online learners 12 months access to our content.
Click here to read criterion #5.
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on inventory management
Pieter Janssens
100% online
Study at a pace and place that suits you
Study at a pace and place that suits you
The Advanced Spare Parts Management Course covers all the issues faced during the spare parts inventory management lifecycle.
Completing this course equips you with the know-how and skills to effectively manage all aspects of spare parts inventory.
The course specifically focusses on MRO and spare parts that are held in support of equipment operations and maintenance.
Posted by Phillip Slater