Subject Area: Spare Parts Management Recommended Reading
Spare Parts Inventory Management
A Complete Guide to Sparesology
Phillip Slater
Written by the Founder of, Phillip Slater, this book addresses the essential issues confronting spare parts management throughout the entire lifecycle of inventory management, from establishing a system for management, identifying the need for a part, to physical management and even final disposal.
Read more and purchase the book in hard copy or kindle format at:
Read more and purchase hard copy and other ebook formats at: Industrial Press (the publisher).
Atomic Habits
An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones
James Clear
One important lesson about spare parts management is that good management comes from consistently applying good habits. Equally, unsatisfactory outcomes come from inconsistent application and bad habits.
No matter your goals, Atomic Habits offers a proven framework for improving–every day. James Clear, one of the world’s leading experts on habit formation, reveals practical strategies that will teach you exactly how to form good habits, break bad ones, and master the tiny behaviors that lead to remarkable results.
Read more and purchase paper back, hard copy, and ebook formats at:
Maintenance Planning and Scheduling Handbook
4th Edition
‘Doc’ Palmer
Written by Doc Palmer, a Certified Maintenance and Reliability Professional (CMRP) with more than three decades of experience.
This book provides proven planning and scheduling strategies that will take any maintenance organization to the next level of performance.
Improved planning is essential to understanding spare parts demand and is a key function in managing your spare parts inventory.
Read more and purchase hard copy and other ebook formats at:
Lubrication: The Key to Machine Immortality
Elements of Great Maintenance Management
Joel Levitt
Lubrication is the simplest and most effective way to ensure the smooth running of your equipment and minimize the demand for spare parts.
Yet, many people don’t understand what they are doing, how to lubricate correctly, and why they are doing it.
This book explains the what and why of lubrication in a fun and exciting way with pictures and stories. It wrestles with advanced concepts in a fresh, clear, and entertaining way. It is the kind of book that new people will want to read.
Read more and purchase hard copy and other ebook formats at:
Making Common Sense Common Practice
Models for Operational Excellence
Ron Moore
I had the good fortune to meet Ron Moore and attend one of his lectures on operational excellence. He presents his insights in a no-nonsense, straight-forward way that is easy to absorb.
This book provides a review of the best practices of manufacturing companies around the world, presenting proven models for superior performance.
The 6th edition adds new insights regarding making common sense more common: added emphasis on leadership, alignment, shop floor engagement, and improving culture; more data on reliability and safety.
Read more and purchase paper back, hard copy, and ebook formats at:
Visual Workplace Visual Thinking
Creating Enterprise Excellence Through the Technologies of the Visual Workplace
Gwendolyn D. Galsworth
Visual Workplace/Visual Thinking (VWVT) was written by the acknowledged leading expert in workplace visuality.
While other books touch upon visual workplace tools and practices, no other author has addressed the topic with the clarity and depth presented here. This is a seminal book, considered by many the definition of the field itself.
Read more and purchase paper back, hard copy, and ebook formats at: