Have you considered using vending machines at your facility?
Are you interested in the promise of increased accuracy and zero stock outs?
If so, then you must read this guide before you make your next move, or even call a vendor!
Here’s why….
Vending machines that are used for the control and issuance of MRO, spare parts, and PPE can be very expensive and the decision-making on which type to choose can be complicated. Without being fully informed there is a danger of making one of the many mistakes that will cost you time and money.
Despite the widespread application of vending machines in society, industrial vending machines are yet to truly make their mark in MRO and spare parts applications.
Despite the widespread application of vending machines in society, industrial vending machines are yet to truly make their mark in MRO and spare parts applications.
Yes, industrial vending has been around for quite a few years, and some suppliers of this equipment reportedly have tens of thousands of machines at client premises. However, despite this, industrial vending is yet to reach its full potential. Eventually, industrial vending machines will be as ubiquitous in the storeroom as computers, software, and bar coding.
One of the challenges faced by companies thinking about utilizing vending machines is that this is not a ‘one-size-fits-all’ environment. There are many different types of industrial vending machines and the benefits gained from their use will be different for each company.
Industrial vending machines have the potential to revolutionize the way your company manages its spare parts inventories. However, the issues to consider when deciding to use this technology are not trivial. Purchasing the wrong kind of machine for your needs could eliminate all of the expected benefits. Purchasing a machine that does more than you can use could be a waste of money and prove to be a poor investment.
You also need to consider the human element in your decision. Vending machines are not ‘mischief or idiot proof’ and your choice of machine will depend on your assessment of your team’s capacity to ‘do the right thing’. This will help you to decide the level of control that you need to implement.
Once you have determined which vending machine suits your environment and needs, you must be very specific in determining the expected savings.
To help you make a more informed decision on the procurement and application of industrial vending machines we have independently produced a special guide: The What, Why, and How of Industrial Vending Machines.
This guide provides important information to those considering the purchase and application of industrial vending machines in their work place. As with most things, this decision is not quite as simple and straight forward as many suppliers will have you think.
You should read this guide before you take any action regarding the purchase and application of industrial vending machines.
This guide demystifies the selection and application of industrial vending machines by reviewing the key features, explaining the issues around their use, examining the claims of vendors, and warning on things to watch out for.
The guide includes a features matrix that sets out the features of different types of vending machines. This will help you to quickly assess the type of vending machine that is right for you.
Plus, there is a procurement checklist that will help ensure that you consider 14 key different issues/attributes relating to the selection and application of vending machines.
Here is the table of contents:
- Industrial Vending: The Next Wave in Storeroom Automation?
- The Pros and Cons of Four Types of Vending Machines
- The One Feature That Drives All Other Benefits
- The 5 Key Functions of Industrial Vending Machines
- Is Vendor-Managed Really Better?
- What About Labor Savings?
- Four Supplier Claims That May Not Always Stack Up
- 9 Traps to Watch Out For
- Three Cool Features That May Be Really Useful
- How Much Do Vending Machines Cost
- Tools to Assist With Your Decision Making
- Appendix 1: Vending Machine Features Matrix
- Appendix 2: Vending Machine Selection Checklist