This kind of circular logic will be very expensive for this company…
What stops companies from achieving all that they could with spare parts inventory optimization? Put another way, why do companies continue to waste money buying spare parts they don’t need when the course to prevent this is so well known?
Perhaps the answer lays in the ‘Catch-22 of Spare Parts Inventory Optimization’.
Catch-22 is a term that originates from the novel by Joseph Heller. In the book the term refers to a situation where airmen could only be excused from duty if they were ‘mentality unfit’ but where asking to be excused was seen as evidence of rational thought and mental fitness. This meant that they could not be excused. Hence there was no way out of the situation because only mentally fit people would ask to be excused and so by demonstrating mental fitness they would not be excused. Confusing, I know!
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Posted by: Phillip Slater